EARLY BLACK - III: Unconditional - CD
MMW35 - Mark My Words Records
Early Black`s (London, UK) sound shuffles restlessly and mercilessly on the precipice of ’90s and turn of the century seminal extreme music acts such as Converge, Cursed and Integrity. Buzzsaw guitar tones and artillery fire style drumming merge with introspective passages of calm, creating an intense atmosphere of unease within the four-piece’s artistic output. Coupling the vicious instrumentation with lyrics that resonate more with confessional poetry than genre tropes, Early Black are at once a familiar sound as well as an intriguing one.
1. Self Critical Acclaim
2. (I Wish) Only Plagues
3. Annie Tastes Eternity
4. I Feel That Something Important Is Happening Around Me...
5. Drain
6. Jasmines
7. Lack / Love
8. ...And It Scares Me