
BAND OF MERCY - Veganocracy - 7"
Vegan hardcore band from Houston, TX. BOM shares members with Die Young and Florida`Axis. Guest guitar solo appearance by Scott Crouse of Earth Crisis.
Death Truth Recordings / Ugly And Proud Records
£ 1,99
BEWARE - Won't Get The Best Of Me - 7"
Hailing from the beautiful city of Philadelphia, and featuring (ex) members of Stick Together, Let Down and Mother Of Mercy, Beware has quickly made a name for themselves by writing anthemic and passionate Straight Edge Hardcore in the tradition of bands like Chain Of Strength and In My Eyes. Their sound is honest and aggressive, yet with a melodic undertone. Classic, timeless hardcore that rings familiar and sounds fresh at the same time. Their debut EP features 3 songs off their well-received demo, re-recorded, and 3 brand new songs.
Back To Back Records
£ 1,99
BRING OUR DEMISE - Web Of Liberation - 7"
Militant vegan straight edge one-man 90’s style metalcore project from the US.
Members of Eco-Defense League, xEradicatex, The Cambodian Heat, 
FFO: Prayer For Cleansing, Undying & Earth First
Bound By Modern Age Records / HEAL Records
£ 1,99
CAGED - Burning Rage Of A Dying Planet - 7"
Burning Rage Of A Dying Planet is a powerful debut EP by Caged, a vegan straight edge metalcore band that’s originating from Bologna, Italy. Ex-members of To Ashes.
True 90's style metal(core) with thoughtful and provoking lyrics.
FFO: Earth Crisis, Gather, Catharsis, Purification
Bound By Modern Age Records
£ 1,99
EARTHFALL– World Has No Pity For Fools - 7″
Debut EP by this Italian oldschool Hardcore Supergroup. Crushing 90s Style Metalcore by (ex-)members of bands like When Ashes Are Rising, Absence, As Humanity Fades, Tigershot, Try Fail Repeat, … Also consists of guest vocals by many more notable scene personalities
FFO: Arkangel, Reprisal, Purification, First Fight Down
Bound By Modern Age Records
£ 1,99
ENSLAVE - The Impeachment Of Man - 7″
The debut EP by Russian 90s Style Edgemetal/Hardcore Heavyweights.
FFO: Congress, Reprisal, Liar
Bound By Modern Age Records
£ 1,99
FORESIGHT - s/t - 7"
New 90s inspired hardcore band from Poland featuring members of Radiance, Vicious X Reality and Protein! The EP is a collaboration between Youth 2 Youth and Ugly & Proud Records and it brings good old raw vibes with a proper message. This record is all about great vibe – heavy, yet filled with melody and full of thoughtful lyrics. 90s spirit at its best.
Ugly & Proud Records / Youth 2 Youth Records
£ 1,99
FORWARD TO EDEN - When Blood Covers Morality - 7″
Five tracks of militant vegan straight edge 90’s style metalcore from Germany.
Comes in DIY printed & handnumbered full-color, double sided sleeve + 8-page mini booklet.
FFO: Culture, Unborn, Green Rage
Bound By Modern Age Records
£ 1,99
FORWARD TO EDEN vs. STATEMENT vs. THE RULE - Still Sober In Valhalla - 7"
BBMA the xvx power 3-way split 7″ - 1 new song by each of these dedicated projects. 
Forward To Eden is Tim Rule’s melodic 90’s style metalcore project, Statement is Rat’s undying og hardline death metal project and The Rule is their both combined passion and power, put into vegan straight edge oi metal hardcore punk riffs. 
FFO: Slayer, vegan straight edge, 90s, bbma
Bound By Modern Age Records
£ 1,99
FURY - Live On KXLU 2015 - 7"
So the boys in Fury did a live set at KXLU in LA. to celebrate, Triple-B Records teamed up with Video Disease Records to release this sucker on a limited to 500 7". All on black vinyl, no digital downloads. No repress, just 500 copies and they're gone! 
Triple-B Records / Video Disease Records 
£ 1,99
IDENTITY - Planet Crusher - 7"
Identity came up with some tunes that sounded like a blend of their previous bands i.e. The Age/Second Age and Last Item. The time polished their style, but kept it as much powerful as when they started and didn’t water down the meaningful lyrics.
FFO: CroMags, Leeway, Underdog
Elephant Skin Records
£ 1,99
IRON CURTAIN - Year Of The Wolf - 7"
London, UK straight edge hardcore. Members of Abolition and Breaking Point. 
FFO: Youth Of Today, Judge, Floorpunch

Anger Battery Records
£ 1,99
Show 1 to 13 (from a total of 36 products)